Thursday, November 6, 2008

Republican Amusements: Now Open For Business

One of the undervalued benefits of the Barack Obama win is that conservative writers are funny again. I don't mean intentionally, that's not going to happen any time soon, but in the same way that flat earthers and creationists are funny when they're marginalized. Oh look at the cute little lunatics with their crazy opinions. They can't hurt us anymore, at least for now, and that turns the horrific into the humorous. I know that my orthodox cousin's conservative rantings got a lot funnier around 11:00 pm on Tuesday.

So did Ann Coulter.

Now Ann Coulter fancies herself a comedienne, in the same way that David Duke is an inspirational speaker or Osama Bin Laden is an advocate for global peace, which is to say that if you buy into her insane and incredibly limited worldview you might find some of the things she says to be intentionally funny. To the rest of us she's more of a curiosity, an unpleasantly mannish skinny blond woman who openly advocates the sorts of things that most Republican commentators save for their most intimate acquaintances, or the gay hookers they do meth with.

In Coulter's latest column she not only bizarrely states that Colin Powell's endorsement of Barack Obama was 'sarcastic' but she also claims that Sarah Palin is the future of the Republican party, a true conservative in the sense that she's so afraid of books that she, at over 40 years of age, had yet to open an atlas and see that Africa is a continent, or count all of the countries on the continent of North America. To her the whole world is just one big "Here there be monsters." She spends her frequent taxpayer funded plane trips looking out the window for krakens and sea dragons. It was long thought impossible to underestimate the intelligence of the American public. Looks like that's another piece of conventional wisdom to relegate to the dustbin of history.

This is going to be fun. No longer will the absurd beliefs of America's cooky backward hill people be scary, because we will have a man in the White House who doesn't believe any of it. We get to go from depressing gallows humor to outright mockery and mirth. This is going to be fun.

Ann Coulter thinks that Barack Obama will reveal himself to be a radical Black Muslim bent on destroying Whitey. Tee hee.

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